XLA_AAD_GROUPS | The XLA_AAD_GROUPS table stores the merge dependencies analyzed during the merge analysis. All application accounting definitions with the same GROUP_NUM must be merged together. |
XLA_AAD_HDR_ACCT_ATTRS | The XLA_AAD_HDR_ACCT_ATTRS stores standard, system and custom sources assigned to an accounting attribute at the AAD level. |
XLA_AAD_HEADER_AC_ASSGNS | Store the analytical criteria for the application accounting definitions. |
XLA_AAD_LINE_DEFN_ASSGNS | This table stores the journal lines definitions for the application accounting definitions. |
XLA_AAD_LOADER_DEFNS_T | The XLA_AAD_LOADER_DEFNS_T table is the interface table that facilitates the data transfer from data files and the database. |
XLA_AAD_LOADER_LOGS | The XLA_AAD_LOADER_LOGS table stores the errors and logs generated by the application accounting definitions loader. |
XLA_AAD_SOURCES | XLA_AAD_SOURCES table stores a list of sources used by an Application Accounting Definition. The table captures sources used by each event class within the Application Accounting Definition. |
XLA_AADS_GT | The XLA_AADS_GT table stores modified AMB Components. |
XLA_AADS_H | The XLA_AADS_H table stores the history of the application accounting definitions. The history is updated when the application accounting definitions are exported. |
XLA_AC_BAL_INTERIM_GT | Intermediate table used for Balance Computation |
XLA_AC_BALANCES_INT | Supporting Reference Balances Interface table for importing initial balances |
XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS | The XLA_ACCOUNTING_ERRORS table stores the errors encountered during execution of the Accounting Program. |
XLA_ACCT_ATTRIBUTES_B | The XLA_ACCT_ATTRIBUTES_B table captures accounting attributes available to the end users. Accounting attributes are pre-defined by the Oracle Subledger Accounting Architecture. Oracle Subledger Accounting Architecture has identified accoun |
XLA_ACCT_ATTRIBUTES_TL | The XLA_ACCT_ATTRIBUTES_TL table captures translated values for the accounting attributes. Accounting attributes are pre-defined by Subledger Accounting. Accounting attributes are necessary to complete specific processing associated with th |
XLA_ACCT_CLASS_ASSGNS | This table stores the accounting class assignments for the Post-Accounting Programs. |
XLA_ACCT_LINE_TYPES_B | The XLA_ACCT_LINE_TYPES_B table stores line accounting types for an event class. |
XLA_ACCT_LINE_TYPES_TL | The XLA_ACCT_LINE_TYPES_TL table stores translated information about accounting line type definitions. |
XLA_ACCTG_METHOD_RULES | The XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_RULES table stores the assignments for all Application Accounting Definitions (AAD) within each Subledger Accounting Method. |
XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B | The XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_B table stores Subledger Accounting Methods (SLAM) across products. SLAMs provided by development are not chart of accounts specific. Enabled SLAMs are assigned to ledgers. |
XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_TL | The XLA_ACCTG_METHODS_TL table stores translated information about Subledger Accounting Methods. |
XLA_AE_HEADER_ACS | This table stores the relationship between the subledger journal entry lines and the supporting reference detail values. |
XLA_AE_HEADERS | The XLA_AE_HEADERS table stores subledger journal entries. There is a one-to-many relationship between accounting events and journal entry headers. |
XLA_AE_LINE_ACS | This table stores the relationship between the subledger journal entry lines and the analytical detail values. |
XLA_AE_LINES | The XLA_AE_LINES table stores the subledger journal entry lines. There is a one-to-many relationship between subledger journal entry headers and subledger journal entry lines. |
XLA_AE_SEGMENT_VALUES | The XLA_AE_SEGMENT_VALUES table stores information about the balancing or management segment values associated with the journal entry. |
XLA_AMB_COMPONENTS_H | The XLA_AMB_COMPONENTS_H table stores the history of the non-application specific journal entry setups, i.e. analytical criteria and mapping sets. The history is updated when the components are exported. |
XLA_AMB_SETUP_ERRORS | The XLA_AMB_SETUP_ERRORS table stores errors reported by the Create and Assign Source program and the Application Accounting Definition validation program. |
XLA_AMB_UPDATED_COMPS | The XLA_AMB_UPDATED_COMPS table stores the application accounting definitions and journal entry setups that has been updated. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_ASSGNS | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_ASSGNS table stores the assignment between the Analytical Criteria and the Application Accounting Definition headers or the Application Accounting Definition lines. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_BALANCES | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_BALANCES table stores the balances for each analytical criterion. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTL_VALS | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTL_VALS table stores the existing values for the analytical criteria details based on the actual data on the sources for each subledger journal entry line. For example, if the analytical criterion 'Project Expense' has o |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTLS_B | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTLS_B table stores the translated header information (name and description) for the Analytical Criteria. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTLS_TL | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_DTLS_TL table stores the detail information for the Analytical Criterion. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_HDRS_B | This table stores the header information for the Analytical Criteria. Since some analytical criteria are delivered as seeded data by the product teams, the name and the description are subjected to translation, so there are two tables for t |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_HDRS_TL | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_HDRS_TL table stores the translated header information (name and description) for the Analytical criteria. |
XLA_ANALYTICAL_SOURCES | The XLA_ANALYTICAL_SOURCES table stores the assignment between the Analytical Criteria detail and the sources. |
XLA_APPLI_AMB_CONTEXTS | The XLA_APPLI_AMB_CONTEXTS table stores the information for the application and the AMB contexts. |
XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_B | This table stores the ledger assignments for the Post-Accountng Programs. |
XLA_ASSIGNMENT_DEFNS_TL | This table stores the translated columns for accounting class ledger assignments. |
XLA_BAL_CONCURRENCY_CONTROL | Table used for locking purpose in balances |
XLA_BALANCE_STATUSES | The XLA_BALANCE_STATUSES table stores the status of the balance for a code combination Id and allows the simultaneous execution of the balance calculation, the balance recreation and the balance synchronization. For more details on the tran |
XLA_CONDITIONS | The XLA_CONDITIONS table stores the conditions for an accounting line or header types, segment rules and descriptions. |
XLA_CONDITIONS_T | Interface table to load the conditions associated to the ADR rule details into SLA. |
XLA_CONTROL_BALANCES | The XLA_CONTROL_BALANCES table stores the balances for each third party control account. |
XLA_CTRL_BAL_INTERIM_GT | This table stores the interim-summarized data from the transactions (XLA_AE_LINES). |
XLA_CTRL_BALANCES_INT | The temporary table stores the balances for each third party control account. |
XLA_DESC_PRIORITIES | The XLA_DESc_PRIORTIES table stores priority information about descriptions |
XLA_DESCRIPT_DETAILS_B | The XLA_DESCRIPT_DETAILS_B table stores the details of a description. It holds a string of literal and sources in the sequence in which they should appear in the description.A flexfield segment can be specified only if TRANSACTION_COA_ID is |
XLA_DESCRIPT_DETAILS_TL | The XLA_DESCRIPT_DETAILS_TL table stores the translation details of a description. |
XLA_DESCRIPTIONS_B | The XLA_DESCRIPTIONS_B table stores all descriptions created for an application. These descriptions are then attached to accounting header and line types. |
XLA_DESCRIPTIONS_TL | The XLA_DESCRIPTIONS_TL table stores translated information about the descriptions. |
XLA_DIAG_EVENTS | Events processed by the diagnostic framework. |
XLA_DIAG_LEDGERS | Ledgers processed by the diagnostic framework. |
XLA_DIAG_SOURCES | Source values retrieved by the diagnostic framework from the Transaction Objects. |
XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS | The XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table stores the link between transactions and subledger journal entry lines. |
XLA_ENTITY_ID_MAPPINGS | The XLA_ENTITY_ID_MAPPINGS table stores the mapping of the primary key columns of the entity table of the event table. It contains one row for each entity for which a maximum of four primary keys columns are supported. Each row includes the |
XLA_ENTITY_TYPES_B | The XLA_ENTITY_TYPES_B table stores all event entities that are used to group event classes. |
XLA_ENTITY_TYPES_TL | The XLA_ENTITY_TYPES_TL table record translated information related to entity. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASS_ATTRS | The XLA_EVENT_CLASSES_ATTR table stores generic or specific attributes related to event classes. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASS_GRPS_B | The table XLA_EVENT_CLASS_GRPS_B record groups of event classes for processing purpose. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASS_GRPS_TL | The table XLA_EVENT_CLASS_GRPS_TL record translated information about event class groups. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASS_PREDECS | This table stores the predecessors of the event classes. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASSES_B | The XLA_EVENT_CLASSES_B table stores all event classes for an entity. |
XLA_EVENT_CLASSES_TL | The XLA_EVENT_CLASSES table record translated information related to event classes. |
XLA_EVENT_MAPPINGS_B | The XLA_EVENT_MAPPINGS_B table stores information to build reports based on information available on the base document.It contains a row for each column name to be printed on these reports. |
XLA_EVENT_MAPPINGS_TL | The XLA_EVENT_MAPPINGS_TL table record translated information related to event mappings. |
XLA_EVENT_SOURCES | The XLA_EVENT_SOURCES table stores all sources assigned to an event class or an event entity. |
XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B | The XLA_EVENT_TYPES_B table stores all event types that belong to an event class. |
XLA_EVENT_TYPES_TL | The XLA_EVENT_TYPES_TL table stores translated information about event types. |
XLA_EVENTS | The XLA_EVENTS table record all information related to a specific event. This table is created as a type XLA_ARRAY_EVENT_TYPE. |
XLA_EVENTS_INT_GT | It is an interface table used to create accounting events in bulk.It is a temporary table. The information in this table is deleted upon COMMIT. |
XLA_EVT_CLASS_ACCT_ATTRS | The XLA_EVT_CLASS_ACCT_ATTRS stores standard, system and custom sources assigned to an accounting attribute at the event class level. |
XLA_EXTRACT_OBJECTS | It stores the extract object name and type used by the Accounting Program to derive sources for an event class. |
XLA_GL_LEDGERS | This table contains ledger information used by subledger accounting. |
XLA_GL_TRANSFER_BATCHES_ALL | Transferred Batches History Table. Maintains the log of the transfers submitted. |
XLA_GL_TRANSFER_PROGRAM_LINES | GL Transfer program definition details. |
XLA_GL_TRANSFER_PROGRAMS | GL Transfer program definition. Stores runtime parameters for a transfer program. |
XLA_JE_CATEGORIES | This table stores Journal Categories for a combination of an event class and an application. |
XLA_JE_LINE_TYPES | This table holds information for journal entry line types. |
XLA_JLT_ACCT_ATTRS | The XLA_JLT_ACCT_ATTRS stores standard, system and custom sources assigned to an accounting attribute at the Journal Line Type level. |
XLA_LAUNCH_OPTIONS | The XLA_LAUNCH_OPTIONS table stores the defaults for accounting program launch options for an application and a ledger. For applications that support valuation method accounting, these default options are stored for a primary and secondary |
XLA_LEDGER_OPTIONS | This table stores the ledger level default setup information for an application. |
XLA_LINE_ASSGNS_T | Interface table to load the assignments between ADR rules and journal line types. |
XLA_LINE_DEFINITIONS_B | This table stores the journal lines definitions for an application. |
XLA_LINE_DEFINITIONS_TL | This table stores translated information about journal lines definitions. |
XLA_LINE_DEFN_AC_ASSGNS | This table stores the analytical criteria assigned to the journal lines definitions. |
XLA_LINE_DEFN_ADR_ASSGNS | This table stores the account derivation rules assigned to the journal lines definitions. |
XLA_LINE_DEFN_JLT_ASSGNS | This table stores the journal line types assigned to the journal lines definitions. |
XLA_MAPPING_SET_VALUES | The XA_MAPPING_SET_VALUES table store the mapping of account or segment values to a source value for a mapping set. |
XLA_MAPPING_SETS_B | The XLA_MAPPING_SETS_B table stores Mapping Sets created by End Users. These mapping sets are then used in the definition of account derivation rules. |
XLA_MAPPING_SETS_TL | The XLA_MAPPING_SETS_TL table stores all translated information about mapping sets. |
XLA_MERGE_SEG_MAPS | This table stores the segment mapping for third party merge |
XLA_MPA_HEADER_AC_ASSGNS | This table stores the analytical criteria assigned to a multiperiod header. |
XLA_MPA_JLT_AC_ASSGNS | This table stores the analytical criteria for a multiperiod journal line type. |
XLA_MPA_JLT_ADR_ASSGNS | This table stores the account derivation rules for a multiperiod journal line type. |
XLA_MPA_JLT_ASSGNS | This table stores the multiperiod journal line type assignments. |
XLA_PARTIAL_MERGE_TXNS | This table stores the transactions to be processed for a partial third party merge |
XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_B | This table stores the Post-Accounting Programs. |
XLA_POST_ACCT_PROGS_TL | This table stores the translated columns for the Post-Accounting Programs. |
XLA_PROD_ACCT_HEADERS | The XLA_PROD_ACCT_HEADERS table optionally stores the accounting headers types for a Application Accounting Definition and event class or type. If not specified, a flag must be set to indicate that no accounting is required for the combinat |
XLA_PROD_ACCT_LINES | The XLA_PROD_ACCT_LINES table stores all accounting line types for Application Accounting Definition and event type or class combinations. |
XLA_PROD_SEG_RULES | The XLA_PROD_SEG_RULES table stores all account derivation rules attached to an accounting line type and a product rule. |
XLA_PRODUCT_RULES_B | The XLA_PRODUCT_RULES_B table stores the accounting rules for an application. Standard product accounting rules are independent of a chart of .accounts. |
XLA_PRODUCT_RULES_TL | The XLA_PRODUCT_RULES_TL table stores translated information about Application Accounting Definitions. |
XLA_RC_UPGRADE_RATES | This table holds the conversion rates used during Secondary or ALC ledger upgrade |
XLA_REFERENCE_OBJECTS | This table sotores reference objects. |
XLA_REVERSE_EVENTS_INTERFACE | The XLA_REVERSE_EVENTS_INTERFACE table stores records for accounting events that are to be reversed in bulk. The Bulk Reversal Event API reverses all these events in one run. |
XLA_RULE_DETAILS_T | Interface table to load ADR rule details into SLA. |
XLA_RULES_T | Interface table to load ADR rules into SLA. |
XLA_SEG_RULE_DETAILS | The XLA_SEG_RULE_DETAILS table store details for an account derivation rule. It defines the priority in which the rule should be applied if the conditions for that priority are met. |
XLA_SEG_RULES_B | The XLA_SEG_RULES_B table stores all account derivation. These account derivation rules are then attached to an accounting line type |
XLA_SEG_RULES_TL | The XLA_SEG_RULES_TL table stores translated information about segment rules. |
XLA_SOURCE_PARAMS | The XLA_SOURCE_PARAMS table stores all parameters used in the plsql function for a user-defined source. |
XLA_SOURCES_B | The XLA_SOURCES_B table stores all sub-ledgers sources and sources customized by user. These sources are used to create accounting rules and conditions |
XLA_SOURCES_TL | The XLA_SOURCES_TL table stores translated information about sources. |
XLA_STAGE_ACCTG_METHODS | The XLA_STAGE_ACCTG_METHODS table stores the subledger accounting methods imported from the data file to the staging area of an AMB context. |
XLA_STAGING_COMPONENTS_H | The XLA_STAGING_COMPONENTS_H table stores the history of the application accounting definitions and the non-application specific journal entry setups, i.e. analytical criteria and mapping sets, imported from the data file to the staging are |
XLA_SUBLEDGERS | The XLA_SUBLEDGERS stores information that depend on the application. It includes a row for each application, standard or not, supported by XLA. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEF_DETAILS | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEF_DETAILS table stores the intersection of Transaction Account Definitions, Transaction Account Types and Account Derivation Rules. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEFS_B | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEFS_B table stores all Transaction Account Definitions. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEFS_TL | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_DEFS_TL table stores translated name and description for Transaction Account Definitions. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPE_SRCS | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPE_SRCS table stores all Transaction Account Type Sources. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPES_B | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPES_B table stores all Transaction Account Types. |
XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPES_TL | The XLA_TAB_ACCT_TYPES_TL table stores translated name and description for Transaction Account Types. |
XLA_TB_BALANCES_GT | Global temporary table to store the trial balance upgraded balance information. |
XLA_TB_DEF_SEG_RANGES | This tables stores segment ranges generated based on Open Account Balances Listing report definition details. |
XLA_TB_DEFINITIONS_B | This table stores Open Account Balances Listing definitions. |
XLA_TB_DEFINITIONS_TL | This table stores translated information of the Open Account Balances Listing report definitions. |
XLA_TB_DEFN_DETAILS | This table stores the Open Account Balances Listing report definition details |
XLA_TB_DEFN_JE_SOURCES | This table stores journal sources associated with the Open Account Balances Listing report definitions. |
XLA_TB_LOGS | This table tracks concurrent requests of the Open Account Balances Listing Data Manager. |
XLA_TB_USER_TRANS_VIEWS | This table stores user transaction view information. |
XLA_TB_WORK_UNITS | This table serves as a work unit table to process open account balances data in parallel. Accounting entries are split into multiple units based on ledger setups. |
XLA_TPM_WORKING_HDRS_T | The journal header identifiers to be processed by third party merge event. |
XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES | The table XLA_ENTITIES contains information about sub-ledger document or transactions. |
XLA_TRANSFER_LEDGERS | The XLA_TRANSFER_LEDGERS table stores secondary ledgers processed by the transfer to GL batch. |
XLA_TRANSFER_LOGS | The XLA_TRANSFER_LOGS table stores the transfer to GL log information. This information is used to recover the failed transfer to GL requests. The log information is deleted once the transfer the batch is recovered or if the transfer requ |
XLA_UPG_BATCHES | Upgrade batch information |
XLA_UPG_ERRORS | Errors related to upgraded entries |
XLA_UPGRADE_DATES | For SLA upgrade: contains start and enddate for a ledger. |
XLA_UPGRADE_REQUESTS | For SLA upgrade: stores the parameters for each post upgrade request. |
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